Thursday, October 09, 2008


Geezus. Never thought this time would end. Again, another updating style post.

Maybe I'll get off my lazy ass and REALLY start posting regularly once more.

- Lost my Altima in a side-impact car accident. It was on MY SIDE too. Now, I have arthritis in my left hip. Lovely.

- I've become engaged since the last time I was in here. I'm getting married in approximately 8 months, and 1 week! WONDERFUL.

- Lost my job as well. In fact, I've lost this many jobs.

- Columbia Metro Airport - Janitor - Was terminated.
- Ryan's Steakhouse - Cashier/Baker/Meat carver - Injured, and reluctantly pushed out.
- The Irwin Hodson Group - "Stuffer" - Terminated. (That was my most recent job in fact)

And I'm going to go back to my local Vocational Rehabilitation to try once again to get a proper job. It completely SUCKS and pisses me off.

As you can tell, I'm really into wrestling too. It's neat! And I love the interactions, the storyline. It's really intriguing to me how it all blends together. Plus; you get to see a bunch of (usually) sexy men wrestling each other!!

Listening to: Ladies and Gentlemen
via FoxyTunes

Friday, October 19, 2007


Hello my dear readers.

If I have any readers left. T_T

Got tons of news since February, and I intend to make it into tiny, bite-size pieces for you to digest! Hope you enjoy the recollection time of this journal.

  • Got a new job at Rush's.
  • Got into a car accident, lost my 2000 Dodge Stratus as a result. (Because it was a salvage, repairing it would have cost more then it was worth. If it was a new/used car; it would have more then likely been repaired, not replaced.)
  • Got another car, a 1998 Nissan Altima. Frankly I hate to admit it, but I enjoy this car better then my old one; even though it's 2 years older then the Dodge.
  • Left my job at Rush's.
  • In the process of getting a new job as janitor at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport.
That's honestly about it for my blog today. Might post some more tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Post at the End of this Title

The end of the universe. That's what this world has been feeling like lately.

My friend got married. I'm still single. Same said friend has her license, and is about to get another car again.

I've got a car, yet no license. Plus, on top of all that; no fucking job! I'm seriously hoping that my school loan won't take all of my tax refunds, because I seriously need some money. I also seriously need to get out of this fucking house of mine.

I need a smoke, but I'm broke. So even if I left the house illegally to drive down the gas station to pick up a pack of smokes, I'd have no money to pay Tammy with anyways. And Mom already brought home a bag of ice. So it's not like I can just con my way into getting a pack of cigs soon either.

And to add insult to injury, I wasn't a bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding. I don't know, I guess it just says to me:

"You're so pathetic! You can't get a job, and both of your only friends always knock you down because you have no job!! And you didn't even get picked to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!!!"

Eh...I don't know. Just pisses me off for some reason. That I'm probably suffering some kind of acute withdrawal from lack of cigarettes too.

Well, later tonight me and the 'rents are going out for dinner. Maybe I can convince Mom to get me a pack of cheap cigs. Something at least.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Life, love, and broken cars...

Eh...been quite awhile since I've posted on this thing. Got a new car a few days ago, actually about a week ago. Damn axle is already fucked up.'s sitting at the guy who actually fixed up the car's house now.

He's a good guy however. He's in the National Guard, or Army...or something like that. He fixes tanks, and so does his twin. So, he does this as "slightly more then a hobby" kind of deal. I paid him $1,200, he found me a nice car. A 2000 Dodge Status, with minimal damage. He fixed it up, and got it a new wonderful paint job. (It's Kermit Green, btw.) And got it all nice and stuff. But then a couple of days into driving it, we found out that the axle is weak. (Something that couldn't have been found out without driving it a good bit, actually.) So as he's out on guard duty, it's sitting in his garage, waiting to be fixed.

I still smoke. And I'm getting married. W00T! Oh well. I love my fiancee, and he loves me. He's so awesome, and he makes me laugh so much. We're getting married in a about a year. I've known him for about....5 months now. We've been talking over the 'net now, and we're close in age. (He's 21, I'm 20) So there's not too much of a difference. Which is really super nice. Mother's not even that objective about it.

Probably cause he's only a 11-12 hour drive away from us. Lives in CT, he does. He's just awesome.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sometimes I really wish I didn't have to work. a princess, living the life of luxury, giving out orders from my plush, velveteen chair. The ruler of the roost. The Queen of all. But no. I have to work. I can't even have the pleasure of spending however much time I want on the computer. I am limited when my parents are home to only 2 hours.

I swear one day, I'm going to fucking win the lottery. Then, who shall call me weak, and lazy!? No one!!! No one will call me weak and lazy, never more.

Sometimes I think about killing myself. Letting it all end. But...I can never get around to doing that. I'm way To do that. To kill myself. Let it end. Let this pain and mental anguish end.

No one understands how my mind works. I don't believe anyone can. A look into my mind reveals worry, and flashing thoughts the speed of light. Thousands of images, many distrubing, and disrought with anguish.

I escape to my fantasy worlds more often then not. They keep my company when I'm down. They give me warmth, and the pleasure of knowing...someone truely loves me. But then, I'm dragged back to the cold, harsh reality that is my pitiful life.

I want some cigarettes. I'm out of them. I want a smoke. I wish I could go truely insane, and just live my life out in a mental hospital. Nothing to worry about. Be cared for, and looked after. So I'd have to wear a straight-jacket. So what? I wouldn't mind it. I'd proably love it. Be able to be held tight, never cold; sleeping how I want in a bed.

I'd bring my own snuggly blanket with me. My beautiful red one. And my little "blankie". Then, I'd be happy. Nothing else to worry about, just taking my medicine, eating, watching TV...and nothing else in the world....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm having tons of fun at my neighbor's house. We're going to have some fun.

As for my book, I'm still pretty much bogged down.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Muppets on the Cosby Show


[Warning: Emo Post Ahead!!]

I'm just tired of all of this.

My mother is against me. My Dad dosn't care anymore. And I'm just fed up with it. But...I'm broke. I have no where to go, no job yet, and my car (which isn't even fixed yet) isn't paid off. Then to top it all off, I've started watching My Sweet 16 on MTV.

Oh yeah. That really helps me when I'm down. I see all these rich little bitches and bastards when they have the biggest freaking blowout birthday I've ever seen in my life. And they are of it all. It just boggles my mind!! They never say "Thanks Mom/Dad, for spending godawful amounts of money for me to have the best 16th birthday party ever!"

They never say thank you. They. Never. Do. The closest I've ever seen any of them come close to saying "thank you" before the whole shindig was over, was this one girl. She bitched and moaned, and FINALLY when she got her way. Got what she wanted...she said "Thanks Daddy!" But it was only after she bitched so loud over it.

I look at that, and I think.

I'm not that spoiled. I'm not that bad. Yes, I get snippy sometimes. Sometimes I want to cuss Mom out. But I never just bitch and moan until I get my way. I try to manipulate sometimes, but never to the extent I've seen these rich kids do!

I just want peace and quiet. My own place.


That's all I guess. I just want out. They're on the cusp of getting divorced. Mom is getting overly preachy sometimes nowadays. I just want to enjoy a day out with my friend, no bitching, no whining about when I wanted to spend the night.

Just a night out away from you, and you can't even leave me alone for more then 3 hours without calling my cell time and again. I'm just getting fucking sick and tired of it all.

I want it to end. I just want it all to end. But not by suicide either. I just want to get out of this house, and this family.
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Monday, April 17, 2006